
The Inspiring Story of Abby Hernandez

Abby Hernandez brings a story of unimaginable bravery, resilience, and hope. Abby, a typical 14-year-old girl from North Conway, New Hampshire, became a symbol of strength and survival after enduring one of the most terrifying experiences a person could face—kidnapping. Her story initially shocked the nation and has become an inspiring example of human perseverance.

In this article, we’ll explore Abby Hernandez’s identity, the details of her abduction, her incredible survival, and how she managed to move forward after such a life-altering experience. We’ll also discuss the important lessons her story teaches us about courage, hope, and the human spirit.

Who is Abby Hernandez?

Before the horrifying event that would change her life, Abby Hernandez was just like any other teenage girl. Born Abigail Hernandez, she was known as a friendly, joyful, and well-liked student at Kennett High School in New Hampshire. Abby enjoyed spending time with her friends, listening to music, and, like most teenagers, was excited about the future.

Her life was simple and happy until October 9, 2013, when everything changed.

The Day Abby Hernandez Disappeared

On October 9, 2013, Abby Hernandez set out for school, not knowing that this day would be the beginning of a terrifying ordeal. She walked home after school like she had done countless times before. However, on this day, Abby never made it home.

The community of North Conway was thrown into chaos. Search teams were quickly organized, and Abby’s disappearance made national headlines. For months, her family and friends held onto the hope that she would return, even as days turned into weeks and weeks into months. Flyers with her face were plastered all over town, but there were no leads. The entire nation was gripped by her mysterious vanishing.

The Kidnapping: 9 Months of Captivity

While the world searched for her, Abby Hernandez was being held captive by a man named Nathaniel Kibby, who abducted her as she walked home from school. Kibby forced Abby into his car and drove her to a shipping container on his property, where she would remain for the next nine months.

During her captivity, Abby faced unimaginable hardships. Kibby threatened her, isolated her, and made every attempt to break her spirit. He kept her in a soundproof container, making sure that no one could hear her or find her. Despite the terrifying conditions, Abby’s strength and intelligence helped her survive the ordeal.

How Abby Survived

What makes Abby Hernandez’s story truly remarkable is her survival. Throughout her captivity, she used her wits and courage to stay alive. Here are some ways Abby managed to survive during those nine long months:

  • Mental Resilience: Abby kept her hope alive, even when things seemed darkest. She maintained a positive outlook, which played a key role in her survival.
  • Building Trust: Abby managed to build a relationship with her captor. While this may seem counterintuitive, it was a survival strategy. She was able to earn Kibby’s trust enough to get some small freedoms, like being allowed to read books or use the internet briefly.
  • Clever Thinking: By appearing compliant and non-threatening, Abby was able to avoid further harm and create a sense of normalcy in an otherwise terrifying situation. Her ability to think on her feet and adjust to the circumstances kept her alive.

The Incredible Escape

After months of careful planning, Abby finally saw her chance to escape. In July 2014, Nathaniel Kibby unexpectedly released her. Abby walked into her mother’s home on July 20, 2014, stunning her family and the entire community. No one could believe it—after nine long months of fear and uncertainty, Abby Hernandez was alive and back home.

The fact that she was able to return, physically unharmed but mentally scarred, was nothing short of miraculous. Her family, who had never given up hope, was overwhelmed with joy, and her return was celebrated by people all over the country.

The Arrest and Trial of Nathaniel Kibby

Following Abby’s return, authorities quickly arrested Nathaniel Kibby, the man responsible for her kidnapping. Abby worked closely with law enforcement to ensure justice was served. Kibby was charged with multiple crimes, including kidnapping, sexual assault, and criminal threatening.

In 2016, Nathaniel Kibby pleaded guilty to the charges and was sentenced to 45 to 90 years in prison. The courtroom drama, while necessary for justice, was understandably difficult for Abby. However, her courage and willingness to face her abductor in court demonstrated her resilience.

Life After the Kidnapping

Even after Abby Hernandez returned home and her captor was behind bars, her life was far from back to normal. The trauma of being held captive for nine months doesn’t simply disappear overnight. Yet, Abby’s spirit remained unbroken. Over the years, she has worked hard to heal, both mentally and emotionally.

Abby’s recovery process included therapy, time with family, and efforts to rebuild her life. She has been open about the challenges she faced during her captivity and the toll it took on her, but she has also shown incredible optimism and determination to move forward. Abby’s story, while tragic, is ultimately one of hope, as she has focused on reclaiming her future.

What We Can Learn From Abby Hernandez’s Story

The story of Abby Hernandez is one of survival, but it is also one of hope, resilience, and the strength of the human spirit. There are several key lessons that we can all learn from her experience:

  • Never Give Up Hope: Throughout her nine months of captivity, Abby never lost hope. She believed that one day she would be free, and that belief helped her survive.
  • Strength in the Face of Fear: Abby’s ability to remain calm and resourceful in such a terrifying situation is a testament to her strength. It’s a reminder that even in the darkest times, we are capable of incredible resilience.
  • The Power of Community: Abby’s family, friends, and the community of North Conway never gave up on her. Their love and support, combined with her own will to survive, ultimately helped bring her home.
  • Courage to Seek Justice: After her ordeal, Abby did not shy away from facing her captor in court. Her bravery in ensuring that justice was served shows her strength and determination to prevent others from going through what she endured.

Abby Hernandez Today: A Beacon of Hope

Today, Abby Hernandez has become a symbol of hope and survival. While the trauma of her kidnapping will likely always be a part of her life, she has used her experience to advocate for others. She has spoken publicly about her ordeal, offering a voice of strength and encouragement to other survivors of trauma.

In interviews, Abby has said that while her experience was horrifying, she chooses not to let it define her. She is focused on living her life to the fullest and creating a positive future. Abby’s story is a powerful reminder that even after the darkest moments, there is always a chance for healing and recovery.

Resources for Kidnapping Victims

For anyone who may have gone through a traumatic experience similar to what Abby Hernandez endured, it’s important to know that help is available. Resources such as counseling, legal support, and advocacy groups can make a significant difference in the healing process.

Here is a table of useful resources for victims of kidnapping or abduction:

Resource NameDescriptionContact Information
National Center for Missing & Exploited ChildrenProvides support for families of missing children and helps in recovery efforts.Website:
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)The nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization, offering support and resources.Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE
Childhelp National Child Abuse HotlineProvides help for children facing abuse, including abduction situations.Hotline: 1-800-4-A-CHILD
Polaris ProjectFocuses on human trafficking prevention and recovery.Website:


The story of Abby Hernandez is one that continues to inspire people all over the world. Her courage, strength, and resilience in the face of unimaginable fear remind us of the power of the human spirit. Despite the horror of her kidnapping, Abby has emerged as a symbol of hope and survival. She has taught us that even in the darkest times, we should never lose faith, and with strength and perseverance, we can overcome even the greatest challenges.

Abby’s journey is far from over, but her determination to move forward, heal, and share her story is an inspiration to us all.

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